Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We met with Dr. Harnesberger yesterday, and I must say I feel a bit better. She looked at the pictures from Sam's scope and said she could see why Dr. Pohl said Sam was better; the furrows are much less, the plaque is much less, and there possibly could be sampling error as far as the numbers go. And Sam was as crazy active and happy as ever while we were there, so he is obviously not visibly sick. The one thing that is still a question is why he is not growing; yes he is a couple pounds heavier, I think from the steroids, but he has not grown in height in over 6 months. Dr. Harnesberger has never had a patient like Sam, with no symptoms, eats a ton, doesn't act at all sick, and yet won't grow and still has high eosinophils. She is stumped.

So we went over a few options, deciding that since Sam seems to be doing so well and not showing signs of discomfort, it wouldn't hurt to just watch for awhile and scope again in four months. I chose to not do the daily steroid, and then we'll just see how Sam does. Keep him on the same elimination diet {whew!!}, come back in two months for an evaluation. She said he could still be catching up on his growth; and he has until the age of 8 to keep catching up and still reach his full growth potential. So if we are still missing something, we have some time to figure it out. She is also going to present Sam's case in front of a panel of GI docs that have a conference twice a month. That is on Friday, and she will call me Monday morning with any insights they might have. I was very pleased with this visit.

I do still have questions and concerns, but I feel at this point I don't need to be overly worried that anything critical is being overlooked. Sam is happy and eats well, and that is a good thing. We'll see what the next few months bring. For now, Sam can continue enjoying his vegan rice cheese. He ate a whole pack in the last two days!

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