Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Gave In

Before Sam was diagnosed, one of his favorite things to eat was my homemade wheat bread. He has not had it for 7 months now, and honestly he has never begged for it, kind of like he knew he couldn't have it. Well, this morning Patrick made French toast, and Sam saw that loaf of bread and started throwing a fit because he wanted some. He wanted nothing to do with his gluten-free muffin with maple syrup, or grapes, or juice, or anything else.
So I let him. I figured he's been so healthy lately, gaining weight, growing out of some clothes, and we're going to trial wheat first anyways, why not? Actually, I know why not, but still, he was so so happy to have that little piece of bread, and he's not sick afterwards. I had to give in. What can I say, he's spoiled.The problem is, he wanted more than one slice. So we put powdered sugar on his muffin; that inspired about two bites after he licked all the powder off. So we resorted to the dum dum and that completed his breakfast.

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